Technology Licensing
Partner with us and you can use the patented method and other proprietary technology to create your own unique software. You can create reports as simple or complex as your internal reporting requirements dictate or that your client base demands.
Partner with Us for Technology Licensing Opportunities
U.S. Patent No. 4,992,939
The patented technology is a method of producing a narrative analytical report. From a simple numerical database to a complex statistical array or complex financial data, this patented technology can be used to automatically create focused narrative analyses of the data.
Systems Employing the Method:
Emulate an experienced analyst at a fraction of the cost.
Guarantee consistency in the output
Produce Instantaneous Output
Generate Reports that are unique to each database
Other Patent-Pending Technology
The patent-pending technology to convert Tax Return information to standard book financial statements in singular or multiple entity formats provides a platform for the instantaneous transformation of the data into an analytical format used by lenders and other financial analysts.
Contact us for licensing and software information: